Lineage: a Dynasty of Secrets

"Inspired by the Eleusinian Mysteries and molded by my Dreams, the Lineage of Secrets is a dynasty of jewelry and ornate treasures. Enhance your life with the power of awe, adorn yourself with the mystery of magic."
There was a dream I had at the beginning of 2011 while I was living in China- an impression, a vision, an impulse - that revealed to me a cryptic message
"Re-create the lineage..."
A succession of dreams and experiences during my travels have led me to understand the essence of that message [a few are posted on my blog]. As I continue to decipher and piece together the meaning behind that message, I channel this passion for inner knowing into my artwork. This site is dedicated mostly to my Jewelry pieces. I will eventually add photography for prints, in the future.
Each piece is unique and represents a small part of a greater whole - a small piece of this resurrected lineage. There are no Duplicates.
It is named Lineage of Secrets because, like all mysteries past and present "You ought to approach these matters in another way; the thing is great, it is mystical, not a common thing, nor is it given to every man (Epictetus: The Discourses, III, 21)." As with all messages, for it to be told forthiright diminishes its glow. That's part of the allure of mysteries. And so, it's how I create; it's a part of my Dream's wellspring, and what it is I am here to do - Resurrect a mystery of secrets.
What do you know of Immortality? Perhaps you'll find it in my jewelry and ornate treasures...